I am so elated that you have taken time out of your busy schedule to peruse my website. Without a doubt, you will be blessed beyond measure to enhance your knowledge about prophetic dance movements in two ways: (1) Purchasing my book entitled, "Prophetic Dance Movements ~ Availeth Much!" and /or (2) Enrolling in one of my intense 6-Hour Workshops on Dance and Flag Movements. The book will delve deeper into topics of prophetic movement that are not usually addressed which will increase your understanding to become more intentional and effective in the ministry of dance. These workshops will provide Biblical teaching along with a variety of dance genres that will expand your repertoire of movements for all levels of dancers. The time has come for you to enlarge your territory in the spiritual realm and take authority in your movements as governed by the Holy Spirit.

"Impacting Multidimensional Realms for His Glory!"

"In Him we live, and move and have our being."
Acts 17:28

Dr. Townsend taught me how to yield my body to the Spirit, which enabled me to move freely as an instrument of healing, deliverance, and God's peace.
Meoshia W. – Oxon Hill, MD
Dr. Darlene Townsend is an ambassador sent from heaven to earth as an eloquent speaker, author, and teacher of prophetic worship and praise with dance and flags. She flows with a yoke-destroying anointing that is intentional and engaging.
Pam H. – Tampa, FL
This ministry reinforces that dance is not simply about moving the body, but moving in worship that moves mountains. Regardless of physical shape, our entire body belongs to God. What an experience for me because I am not a dancer.
Pastor Gloria D. – Gainesville, FL
Words cannot express my gratitude towards Dr. Darlene Townsend for sharing her gift. Prophetic Expressions inspired me to worship freely and spontaneously and give the Holy Spirit full control. I have received personal healing, deliverance, and the fullness of joy!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your gift and activating mine!
Takita C. – Riverview, FL